Friday, February 19, 2010


We used to go to Taiping, Perak a lot when we were kids. Taiping is where my mom met my dad. Taiping is also where they fell in love and went cycling and dating by the Lake Gardens :) Taiping is also about grandma and more relatives and cousins.


  1. Tak ingat sangat pekan Taiping macam mana anny. Mungkin satu hari nanti berpeluang la kot nak jejakkan kaki ke sana.

    Selamat Hari Sabtu : )

  2. Taiping still the same.. like maybe 20 years ago.. the town is still the same :) old town charm.

  3. I love Taiping la. It's such a laid back that it's the perfect place to retire :D And the food is pretty cheap too. I had an uncle who used to live there and we all visited him during the school holidays but that was years ago la ...

  4. Taiping is still very laid back... and quite a nice place to retire jugak. Food is not exactly cheap now. I love the fried kueh teow at the market there.. its very nice!
