Monday, February 21, 2011

Mulberry bush

Soon.. We can go round the mulberry bush :)


  1. wahhh mulberry bush, macam pernah dengar.. ehhh p okok ni bukan kerr ada juga orang jadikan teh minuman.

    Daun ni bukan juga makanan ulat sutera ke? Atau rizal salah tafsir. hehehe

  2. I grew this for the fruits and leaves. The fruit sedops... bole buat jam... or eat raw.. or make juice.. or decorate sama kek.. Ok.. i suda berangan angan katak :D

    The leaves can be boiled with dates.. the big brown ones + bunga kekwa.. the tea is berry nice.

    Now i got to try and keep the ulat sutera from eating them :D betul ka ulat tuh suka daunnya?

  3. Ulat tu memang suka anny. When i was in Vietnam, i visited this craft village, and they used mulberry leaves as food kepada makanan ulat sutera.

    Aha lepas ni boleh la ternak ulat sutera, lepas tuu jual benang.. hehehe
